The Australian Analog Film Photo Contest 2024 is back for the 4th time! This is a free photography competition and open to amateur and professional photographers shooting in all forms of film photography. This year we will have AustralianAnalog judges and the public deciding winners as well as $1,700 worth of prizes to be won!
Our mission is to celebrate talented film photographers of Australia and showcase the stunning photos from the community. This contest offers film photographers the chance to show their work and connect with the film community in a free, fun and inspiring environment.
You can check out last years winner of the 2023 Film Photo Contest!
There will be 5 categories for film photography submissions.
The Grand Prizes and the Best of Category will be selected by our judges. We will also have a separate category for public voting which will start after the submission period.
Prizes include:
1st Place
- $800 AUD cash prize
2nd Place
- $400 AUD cash prize
3rd Place
- $200 AUD cash prize
As well, the top photo from each of the 5 categories will win $50 cash prize. We will also have a separate category for "Top Public Voted" photograph and the winner will win $50 cash prize.
Entry Period: 6pm on the 13th of March till 11:59pm on the 2nd of April, 2024.
Public Voting: 6pm on the 3rd of April till 11:59pm on the 9th of April, 2024.
Judges Voting: Judges will be voting from the 10th of April till the 15th of April. All photos provided to them will be confidential to avoid any bias.
Winners Announced: 16th of April, 2024. Winners will be notified by email.
Open to individuals 18 and older, Australia-Only and each user will be limited to 1 submission only. If you enter multiple times under different emails, it will void your entries.
After the submission date passes, public voting will open. The link will be visible via email, socials and on this website. You can vote on as many images as you'd like, but allowed only 1 vote per image. The photo with the highest votes will win the "Top Public Voted" category.
Submitted Work
All submissions must be original and produced by you.
They must be shot on film and not heavily edited/manipulated using photo editing devices
All submissions must be free from copyright infringement.
Images must be saved and submitted as JPGs or PNG.
Images must be 10MB or less
Artist retains all copyrights to their own images